What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a series of clear appliances that look and feel similar to bleaching trays. Each aligner is worn for approximately two weeks, and slowly moves the teeth approximately 0.25 mm each time. The teeth are eventually positioned into their appropriate position, and the trays are unnoticeable. It is extremely convenient due to the fact that we give you multiple aligners each visit, so rather than coming in to the office every three to four weeks, you visit us roughly every six weeks.
Why Invisalign?
Benefits of Invisalign
- Aesthetics: You get clear liners that are nearly invisible compared to conventional braces.
- Speed: Often, some Invisalign cases can be quicker than conventional braces by nature of the design since they can move many teeth at once.
- Comfort: There are no wires and sharp corners like with conventional braces.
- Results: Invisalign can move teeth in ways braces cannot.
- Reduced risk: With Invisalign, there’s less risk of shrinking of teeth roots due to the excessive force that can be applied with conventional braces.
- Time savings: There are fewer dental visits than conventional braces.
- Better breath: It is almost impossible to completely clean around conventional braces which leaves you with “braces breath.” With Invisalign, you can remove your aligners completely to floss and brush normally. There’s also less risk of gingivitis and hyperplasia (gums growing up over the brackets) because you are able to clean your teeth better.
- Help TMD: Invisalign can help relieve myofascial and TMD symptoms. If worn 20 hours per day, the liners act like a splint to potentially relieve pain.
- Aligners to keep for life: Your Invisalign aligners can double as whitening trays or a mouth guard during and after treatment.
Invisalign Instructions:
- Wear your aligner at all times, except when eating or brushing
- Keep aligners in their case anytime it is not in your mouth (Not in a napkin)
- Clean the aligner daily with toothpaste and toothbrush. You may also use a denture cleaner to clean aligners.
- Keep aligners away from hot temperatures including hot water, car dashboards, the washing machine, etc.
- Practice speaking whenever you change aligners, as it may take a few days to adjust.
Does Invisalign Hurt?
Orthodontics generally does not cause pain, however many patients may experience temporary discomfort the first few days after a new aligner is fitted. This is due to minor movements and bone regrowth around the teeth.
Does Invisalign Work?
Absolutely! If the patient is willing to wear the aligners, invisalign does all the work for you! However, it is important to work with an experienced and knowledgeable provider, because invisalign requires a great deal of knowledge regarding the biology behind tooth movement.
Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign?
Invisalign works best for people with mild to moderate crowding or spacing, and relatively well aligned jaws. Large skeletal discrepancies, such as sever overbites, underbites, or open bites should be treated with a combination of other appliances. We are happy to assess, and provide you with the best treatment plan for your particular smile goals. GET IN TOUCH AT TINY TOOTH FOR YOUR TEENAGERS ORTHODONTIC NEEDS.